Hey all,
Well I'm back at work and it feels good to have the garage sale over with and to put my focus back on my program development. Sometimes it seems like the task at hand is incredibly daunting. Starting a program from the ground up to create a job skills training program has such a large amount of detail and preparation sometimes I don't know where I'll begin. The other things that makes everything so much more challanging is that our organization itself is still in its beginning stages so to create majoring programming simotaneously is quite the task. I have found a wonderful organization in Houston that I am looking to model my programming after. It has all the components of skill training, placement, concentration on ELS (english as a second langugage) training and naturaltional for immigrants, and an incrdbile success rate. This is the website for them if you are interested. I'm hoping to one day make The Almond Tree programming as sustainable and successful.
I'm also spending part of my day today going through all the leftover clothing from our garage sale to separate the pieces that I can put in a interview clothes closet of sorts. This way when people come in for job skill training, etc. they will have acces to nice clothes to the interview. Pretty neat huh? I'm going to try and get donations from al these rich little debuntantes in town too :)
I think my mom and I might head to the First Monday Trade Days in Canton. It is one of the biggest flea market, trade festivals in the world! I hear it is a really cool experience. It started over 150 years ago when people would meet once a month to sell their wares in town while the judge held his monthly court hearings. Check it out!
Thats all for now gang. There's work to do!
Enjoy this beautiful day,
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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