It's officially spring! I celebrated on Friday by going and studying in the park by my house in a nice sundress. My leg hair was still in winter mode so it was a good thing I was by myself, eh? Studying, studying, studying. It feels like that is all I've been up to lately. There is a lot riding on these GRE scores and I know they are the first step toward my goals. Enough about that. I think about that too much these days.
I've been getting some painting in this past week to break up the monotony of all the book learnin'. I've asked me landlords if I could use some of the old wood they had piled in the garage to make some Lowercase Living type signs to sell at the garage sale The Almond Tree is putting on this next weekend. I figured it would be a fun way to paint and help the cause. If they don't go I'll always have some stuff to decorate my place, right?
I have been thinking about the blog lately and how I really wish it was more interactive. There are so many things I post that I would love your opinions on especially since I know the only people creeping this thing are my close friends and family. Soooo, here is my plea for feedback!Any thoughts, comments, loooove, let me know :)
And for some lovely randomness...
~I really love headbands lately. I wish I could have been 23 in the late 60's. I think everyone has an era they think they should have been apart of. I think my Dad wishes he could have been alive back in the pioneer days when the land was wild, expansive, there for the taking.

~I get to see my mom in 10 days! I couldn't be more excited or thankful to see her.
~Down here they have something called "texas country", ofcourse right? Texas has to have its own everything. Either way this is a song I heard that I really liked and it just exemplifies how much the people here l-o-v-e Tejas. If any of you are music pirates you should download She's like Texas by by the Josh Abbott Band. Here are the lyrics...
shes as free as the blue bonnets in the summer
shes as hot as the padre island sun
most of the times shes as warm and friendly
like the hills that surround austin
shes as bright as the Dallas Sky
she always holds head high
she love the company of her family
she has faith in God's greater plan
she trusts im a good man
and that why i'll always believe
shes like texas and she likes me
her eyes are green like the trees in Nacogdoches
he teeth are white as the cotton in the fall
and when she laughs youll always take notice
cause her hearts charm will shine right through it all
shes as bright as the Dallas Sky
she always holds head high
she love the company of her family
she has faith in God's greater plan
she trusts im a good man
and that why i'll always believe
shes like texas and she likes me
Her moods can change like the weather out in Lubbock
but if you show her love man she'll return it. :)
shes as bright as the Dallas Sky
she always holds head high
she love the company of her family
she has faith in God's greater plan
she trusts im a good man
and that why i'll always believe
shes like texas and she likes me
Health and Happiness wherever you are,
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