Well, overall, I think my first Texas roadtrip can be deemed a success. It was beaaautiful weather, I got to see a friend, and I can now say I've been to Rattlesnake Round up in Sweetwater, Texas. The town of Sweetwater is actually quite small and it was nuts to see all the influx of people headed there for the roundup. Once Casper and I found a parking spot we were off to check out all that this thing had to offer. I've become one of those moms who has toys, cheerios in a container, and a sippie cup in their purse at all times only in dog-version. Because of the heat down here I've started keeping a bowl and a water bottle in my purse any time I go somewhere with Casper. Bag lady or awesome mom? Guilty of both I'm sure. The roundup was set up like most other festivals or town fairs with rides, a big flea market area offering all types of southern food and people selling their wares. I got a couple really neat bracelets(for cheap!). They are probably my only weakness when it comes to jewelry. I think rings would be with these caveman hands the men size rings just don't offer the type of variety to rev my engine ;) Finally, we made our way to where all the rattlesnake madness was going on. They had big bins where they were extracting venom, measuring them, and the oddest and definitely grossest station, skinning them. They had a station where you could seriously pay your hard earned dollars to skin a snake, keep the skin and then put your bloody handprint up on the wall with your name underneath it. I'd say only in Texas but this sounds like the type of stuff that would happen in Wyoming too. I know how to pick em, right? I actually touched a live rattlesnake though, right in the rattle. The whole trip was topped off with me actually EATING some fried rattlesnake and buying an awesome souvenir t-shirt I can laugh about 15 years from now. Those of you who know me know that I'll still be wearing that ratty T-shirt too. For the record the rattlesnake was like eating a piece of fish with a million bones in it. Definitely more work than it was worth but I'm glad I tried it. Here are a few pictures and videos so you guys can get the full effect of this crazy experience. The first video is of a big bin of rattle snakes. It sounds like there is water running in the background but that is actually the sound of all those rattles going at once. Pretty cool. Ok, and the second video is not for the squimish(Jess). It is of the station where they skin the rattlesnakes and yes, I know I am creepy for video taping it but it HAD to be documented. The guy is actually holding a snake heart that is still beating somehow. Gosh, I realize how creepy this sounds now that I type it all out..O well, you've been warned :)
In other brief news...
*Met with my Program Advisor at UT Tyler. It went incredible and the program is one of the top 3 in the state of Texas. As soon as I get him my GRE scores I will be a provisional student for the Summer of 2010!
*Co-ed Softball league starts tomorrow. Go Playmakers! I couldn't be 14 but got 44 in honor of the old man ;)
*I'm going to a crawfish BBQ with some real cajun cooking this weekend at Kalen and Stephanie's friends house;the place I normally play cards. It'll be fun to try some new food.
*And ofcourse, HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!!

Love love love for you all,
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