It has been a wonderful day thus far! It's sunny, I found $3 in my jean's pocket I had forgetten about, I've been jamming to a great new playlist on my iTunes, and AmeriCorps has changed its guidelines on outside commitments while serving! Until today AmeriCorps has had a rule that you cannot take any class that wasn't directly related to your service and pre-approved by the state supervisor. The good news is that with this rule being dropped it opens up the possiblity of going to grad school while serving. I think I had mentioned the possibility of me trying to obtain my Master's Degree while I was down here and this transition has made that a reality!
If I could begin my Master's program at the beginning of the summer and then sign on for another year of AmeriCorps service I could get both out of the way at once. The reality of the matter is a bachelor's degree is becoming common;everyone is getting one. Now, with the job market being as bleak as it is, people ar transitioning straight into grad school. I will eventually need a master's degree and I think this would be the perfect opportunity to get one. The University of Texas at Tyler is the institution I would be looking to go to. I am planning on stopping by their admission's office tomorrow to begin the process of FAFSA and figuring out all my options. I need to decide exactly what I will get my Masters in. They have one in communication available but as my mom pointed out, I need to add another facet to what I do instead of building on something I already have proven knowledge of. This is so exciting! I am pretty overwhelmed thinking of all the paperwork, FAFSA, scholarships applications, etc. I would have to apply for especially if I want to get everything in order for the summer. I think once I meet with someone in the Admission's Office I will have a better grasp on what I need to do.
I know this is probably bittersweet news to some of you, especially the people who want me home in July. I guess the best way to look at it is that at least I'm getting 2 things I'd be away from home at once. I won't have anything else to go exploring with after this; I'll be tapped out of AmeriCorps and I'll have my Master's Degree :) This feels right. I think most of the things I have pursued in my life have come from my gut. I'm definitely not always a planner, calculating every move, and yes, sometimes I pay the price for that.But, no regrets. I went to school in Indiana because it felt right and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I moved to Wyoming and Texas because it feels right to travel; to challenge myself. For now, at least the idea of all this feels right...

A few other things...
Today at work we were doing an activity and we were all given string. We were instructed to put a knot for everything we saw as a blessing in our life. I thought of all of you...I thought it was such a perfect activity after my blog yesterday talking about appreciate the little blessings in our life.
Check out this website. I actually sent an application for one of their internships this fall. It was a long shot but I was so inpired by their mission I thought it was worth a shot. I'm also writing this blog as I wear a pair of my TOMS :)

May your days be many and your troubles be few.
May all God's blessings descend upon you.
May peace be within you may your heart be strong.
May you find what you're seeking wherever you roam.
~Irish Blessing
Sending love and sunshine,
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