How many have you have fallen for some April Fool's shannanigans today? I've totally been annoyingly doing it to everyone I know and work with today. The only problem is I keep thinking of intense situations that I was going to try on my family but then I realized they would never be funny after I say April Fools...I was going to tell everyone at work that I had found a job back home and that today would be my last day with my mom moving me back this weekend. Pretty good, right? I decided not to do it because a) I don't think I could have kept a straight face and b) It would have been awkward if they seemed secretly excited somehow, haha.
In unrelated April Fools News, pictures from around the globe....

I miss the days when it was socially acceptable for me to hunt Easter eggs. I still remember my burning competitiveness being applied to that when I was just a little tike, racing my cousins for every plastic egg hidden in the backyard. I would always compare my candy, money, etc. getting secretly pissed about all the jelly beans and crusty half folded peeps. Whata brat? For the record, I did win the preschool division of the Denever Prestein Park Easter Egg Hunt and my mom has the newspaper article cut out to prove it...somewhere.

Now that I reflect I have a lot of childhood memories from Easter. Going out into the yard at the farm with my grandma to find a branch to make her Easter Tree we'd decorate with ornaments. My sister being a total nerd and making a gigantic Bunny cake with Big chew bubblegum for the whiskers. The smell of the hot water mixed with dye coloring Easter eggs. Nick Weber lying about seeing the Easter Bunny in Kindergarten and me feeling totally jealous at the time. Hating Easter Sunday outfits when I was in my tomboy stage aka most of my childhood. It is always strange the tiniest details that stick with a person a lifetime.
I hope everyone has a Good Friday, a great Saturday, and a wonderful Easter Sunday.
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