That means Good afernoon in German for all those wondering. See! I did learn something in German class. Speaking of German, I found this really bizarre photo from a "domesticated series" in a German magazine. The article was animals themed and the people who work with them. This is a photo taken by Albin Biblom, documenting the last of Bulgaria's dancing bears and their trainers. There is such a sadness to the entire photograph.

Sorry I'm so random. I just always find these interesting things I want to share with everyone and I figure who isn't dying to see Bulgarian dancing bears, right?
Well, I met with my academic advising person last night to see if what I have set up for my summer classes is going to work. I found out that since I did miss the acceptance deadline for February I have to be a provisional student until they begin accepting applicants for Spring of 2011 in October. The only real difference is that I can only take 9 graduate classes as a provisional student but that actually won't affect me at all. Since I wasn't a Psych undergard I have some prereq classes I have to take as part of the program and I can take as many of these as I want as a provisional student. I'm going to be taking one class each summer session and then probably 2 or 3 classes for the Fall Term. Busy, busy but happy, happy.
And now to spotlight some great finds by others. My beautiful best friend, Stephanie Kelly, showed me this website and I think its so wonderful. Its called "1,000 Awesome Things" and its a book meant to shine a light on the little things in our every day life that put a smile on our face. I actually visited the site and signed up to have them send me one of the little awesome things each day. It has cute things like finding change on the ground or channeling surfing and finding a favorite old episode you love. I always read it and think, "God, that IS totally awesome!" It reminds me of one of the first blogs I wrote on here about appreciating and loving the little things in our every day life. Check it out, it'll make you smile.
The other gem was given to me via facebook wallpost by KC Boldt. Aside from the obvious state of crisis our country is in inregards to childhood obesity this is pretty comical. There will always be something comical about fat people and people falling down. Combining the two is ideal but this will do. I don't know if this is creepy or funny or sad or cute? What I do know is that he created an undeniable urge to grab those chubby cheeks.
No More Cupcakes!
Hey, will one of you a-holes comment on something for once? I just want a "nice picture" or maybe a "fun weekend". I even checked the comment settings to make sure you could, AND YOU CAN! One comment in all this time. A special thank you to Mallory Gill for being the only commenter thus far. But the rest of you....Tisk, tisk. Is it rude to scould people that read your blog? Those rules don't apply when its just your friends and family reading it I'm going to assume.

Ok, love you all. Have a good'n.
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