This is a painting by Wayne Thiebaud. He was one of the first artists to start the "pop art" movement. I based my senior artist work on him in my painting class. I did a replication of this exact painting for one assignment. I love how his work has this feeling of a simpler, innocent time and he makes his paint look like creamy frosting :)
How was everyone's weekend? I had that softball tournament and we went 2-0 before the tourny got rescheduled for next weekend because of the pouring rain. We seriously played the entire second game drenced. Not one thing on me was dry. The cool thing is only us and one other team was undefeated so we play them next weekend for the championship. I won't be there since I'll be in The Chi celebrating with all my beautiful friends but I made everyone promise to keep a t-shirt for me once we win :)
So I'm super bummed. My camera broke this past week. Every time I turn it on it says lens error and that I need to restart my camera. I feel so lost without it and not having a way to document everything I see. Luckily the prices on camera aren't as bad as they once were and maybe I can save up for one pretty quickly with plasma doe. I really wish I had it for this weekend and the bachelorette party. Damn it..
If you need cheering up like I did while mourning my camera I suggest youtubing Louis CK. It was suggested to me by my wonderful friend Ross Wiemer and the man is hysterical. I lol'd at least 15 times while watched a few clips of his stuff.
P.S. Even in the days of ipods, I still love burning CDS for my friends. Picking out the songs, ordering them so that its got the perfect flow. Ooo the little things :)

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.”~Unknown ( orat least unknown by me)
Love you all!
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