Sorry about being such a blog bum, I've just been crazy busy. I'm trying to remember what I've done in the last ten days that have passed since my last bloggeroo...Hmm, well, I got to see my best friends in the entire world this past weekend at Mallory Gill's bachelorette party. I'm in her wedding in August and it was so wonderful to be reunited with a lot of old college friends and to meet some new people that'll be in the wedding.
My flight times were brutal from Texas with one leaving @ 5:30 am on Friday from Dallas/Fort Worth which is about 2 hours from where I live. I made the bold move to just stay awake the whole night instead of trying to get a couple hours of sleep and then groggily try and drive two hours in the dark in the middle of the night. Either way, TOOOTAALLLY worth it all because I had a wonderful time. On Friday I got to meet up with Steph, Mal, and Kayla and just relax and catch up at Steph's house in Plainfield, IL. That night we made bachelorette-esque inappropriate jello shots for the party come Saturday and threw a few beers back.

Saturday we took our trip into the city and stayed at a wonderful hotel right in the Lincoln Park area. It was a really old-time, classic hotel. We met up with everyone at our hotel and gave mal her presents, began drinking and then headed to out to eat a Mexican restaurant for margaritas. Then we just went bar hopping and everyone was so fun. We seriously made the party everywhere we went with our dancing and oh ya, our CRAZY WIGS. Kayla, the MOH, had a wonderful idea to have everyone wear black outfits and brightly colored wigs as a fun idea and to keep track of everyone's ass in those crowded bars.

On of the bars had a mechanical bull and it was sooo much fun. I do have to say I owwwned it!Everyone had all these high expectations for me because apparently I'm from "texas" now. Psshh, I'd never ridden a mechanical bull before but we all know how competitive I am. So with white knuckles, one arm in the air and my powerlifter thighs digging into the sides I rode that thing forever! What a wonderful time. I cant imagine how fun the wedding is going to be

In work related news, things are slowly but surely taking off! My "Outfitted for Success" job skills program initiative is starting to come together and I'm planning to meet with civic organization and have a kick-off for the program mid-May. Im going through the process of cataloging and doing an inventory on all the things brought in so that when people looking for things I'll have a wonderfully organized program on my hands. I'm going to be going out into various organization and seeing if they will partner with us to collect old work attire from their employees, spouses, etc. I have a feeling the problem will eventually not be if we have clothes but where I am going to put them all. What a great problem that will be though. I have also recruited the head coordinator from the Experience Works program as a part of my Advisory Committee and he has already set me p with some great connections.
I also have to go to a "Bidder's Conference" tonight for a grant that we are applying for for $25,000 that will go toward my program. It is very exciting to think of all of the possiblities and to think that when I'm done I will have hopefully created a sustainable job skills program that reaches 4 counties. Is it silly to say it makes me feel really proud? That this program is mine for the planning and it has the potential to change peoples lives, giving people the tools to find jobs in an economy that has knocked everyone to the ground...not many people get to say that about their job and I feel so blessed to be able to a this point.
Hope everyone has a great rest of your week. I'll try and have better attendance with my blog worthy news since I know reading this is what gets you out of bed in the mornings ;)
Much Love.