Hello all,
It's Thursday. We are in the home stretch, people. I have some time over my lunch break so I thought I'd do a littl bloggin'. The sand volleyball was pretty short-lived since the team I was on sucked but overall I had a good time. My bod was so sore the next day from working all those muscles that have been in hibernation for so long. After that I headed up to Quitman to Ryan's where we were then off to his friend's birthday/coming home party. His friend, Tee, lives in Iraq and comes back to the states periodically and was having a big BBQ get-together. Everyone loves to BBQ down here with those big black smokers. The food was amazing, the beer was cold and the company was fun so I had a great time. The night ended with Ryan playing the guitar and me eventually sneaking off to fall asleep on his boat under the stars.I'm quite the socialite.
We headed back to his grandparents who live in a lake house in Pittsburg, Texas.I love his grandparents. Ryan compares them to the folks in Everybody Loves Raymond and its pretty accurate. That Sunday we spent Father's Day out on the boat, swimming and just cruisin around. Hes gotthis gigantic motor and he boats goes around 70mph. I have a feeling tubing behind that thing may get a little more intense. I was pretty bummed I couldn't be with my own Dad on Father's Day but I guess that's another sacrifice of being away. Love you Daddio!
So tomorrow for I am going to this big Press Conference and I get to get my picture take receiving one of those big checks for the grant I wrote. I was soooo excited about the big check thing. Who hasn't wanted to do that?!

This weekend Ryan has a big important fishing tournament with one of the high-ups on the company that sponsors him, El Grande Lures. While he is off smoochin' booty I'm going to play in a slow-pitch tourny, get alot of studying done and start getting everything ready to move on the 7th. I'll namedrop Ryan's sponsor incase any of you are fishermen or women out there ;)
Oh, and as part of my job skills training program I'm goin to start doing video clips with helpful tips about resme building, interviewing, etc. that will be put up on our website weekly. I recorded one last night as just a trial run and felt like such an idiot. No judgement but this is generally what they will be like with some obvious improvemets before they hit the website.
Finally,I am in love with this new band, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. They are this wonderful blues, Indie, alt rock band from Vermont. Here is a video from youtube posted below. She is so cute and totally makes me want to get bangs and sing in a band of hippies. Wonderful weekend wishes to you all!
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