I'm sure noone is even following this thing anymore considering the dry spell its been put under. But if you are, mama's back! Actually I've just decided to blog to take my mind off this gawwwd awful grant that has been owning my life lately. We have so many things going on at work and it just seems like I can't find enough hours in the day. It is crazy to think that I have less than 2 months left of my first year of VISTA Service. That would probably seem like a bigger deal if I wasn't signing up for another one with the same organization but still a pretty exciting accomplishment. Go me. I guess the beauiful part about being busy is that it means things are happening, we're making moves. I just wish it didn't feel like all the moves were being made at once...

This past weekend I went to a wedding in Dallas with Ryan, a guy I play co-ed softball with. His best friend's sister was getting married and it was a really beautiful, fancy wedding. They served mashed potatoes with several kind of sauce out of martini glasses for cryin' out loud. We joked if we ever got married we were serving raman noodles out of a red solo cup with the only variance being chicken or beef flavor packets. You're all invited to this classy occassion of the future!
I'm so so so so so excited to go home in a few weeks! I'm driving back home for Memorial Day weekend and staying through the following week. I really haven't spent some quality time at home since Christmas and it is much needed. I'll get to see all of my family, my nieces softball games, etc. All the wonderful things I miss most of the time...My sister and I are planning on going to see the new SATC 2. I saw the first one with her so the timing is perfect. I miss watching episode after episode late at night with my old roommate, Steph. Wow, today is just a blog dedicated to all the things I miss I guess...
"There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.”~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
yay! you're back and blogging again...not that i check it every day or anything, oh wait i do!
Ashley, Your Dad will be glad to know this. He checks all the time. Tammy
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