It has been another beautiful weekend for me and the good news is I have tomorrow off too! And no, it isn't because they are predicting a 3% chance of snow here either. As I mentioned early on I get one day off a week and I actually had the opportunity to go to a workshop on financial literacy on Friday so my day was moved to tomorrow. The workshop was really helpful and I was actually attending to learn how to train people who can then tutor people about financial literacy. I ended up picking up alot of useful information for myself, covering a lot of information on home buying, creditcards, etc. I just got a new budget planner too so I'm all about that. I'm becoming more and more like my sister every day I think ;)
Work went really well this week and we are already starting to plan out the community meetings we will be holding for our needs analysis. This project is going to give me such great experience with building a nonprofit from the groundup. Gosh, I think everyone should transfer half way through their AmeriCorps service. With BGCA I got to see what it was like to be with a national organization that has a strong base, tons of community support, and a very large budget. Here I am with an organization that is just starting its grass roots, unknown to everyone around us, and a shoe string budget to work on to accomplish our goals. It seems like when I leave this I will be so much more equipt to deal in either situation.
Nooow for the story that will explain part of my title for today's blog. I described it to my sister as an awful/hilarious story. Ok, so I've been desparately needing to get my hair done, but I had just moved, I was broke, and I had no idea where would be a good place to go. I didn't want a recap of the traumatizing mullet I got as my first haircut in Indiana. Anyway, it got to the point where I NEEDED to get it done. It looked like I had one of those whitetrash wigs you buy for halloween on...So I found this place that was pretty reasonable and right by my house. The hair dresser, who I totally thought was gay, asked me what I needed done and I immediately pointed to the skidmark going down the center of my head. I briefly explained how I just moved here and hadn't had much time lately. Then came the most accidental insult I think I've ever been apart of..."OH, DID YOU JUST HAVE A BABY?"....ZIIING! Your hair is not only ugly but you look like you could have been 9 months pregnant recently. I obviously punched him in his feminine face and left. Kidding, but I did want to ask him if he was about to have a boy or girl with the watermelon he was smugglin under his floral button up shirt. The only good thing about this guy was that he gave me lots of tips of places to go while I'm in TX, mentioning lots of festivals and po-dunk towns that are really special. Obviously justI shook it off and decided I'd just go on some type of hunger strike before I got my hair touched up again. Anyway, he did a great job on my hair so maybe I'll seem less "new mommy" to the rest of the public ;)
Sadly, our slowpitch tourny got postponed this past Saturday from all the rain we got on Friday, and was moved to next weekend. I was so pumped to play but luckily we did get a scrimmage practice in today. I finally broke down and got some rubber cleats for this stuff.I have never played in rubber my entire life since we were bad asses in Iowa and played with metal in high school.Felt like it was icing on the cake that I have become strictly a slowpitch player;I've even got specific gear for it now. Anywho, we played another all men's team and they didn't have enough players so I went and played on their team. It is all pretty relaxed and I had a lot of fun. I've been playing lots of first base which I'm starting to get the hang of. I want to scream at all these sidearm throwin' men about the seams but then I remember how psycho I'd seem :) I guess our actual league games don't start for a nother couple weeks but that'll be something to do during the week.
Here is an update on those church fires I had blogged about early on. They finally arrested 2 men for the fires but I have provided a link with more detailed info...
TYLER — Court records indicate one of the suspects arrested on an arson charge in the burning of churches in East Texas had assault rifles and books on demons and atheism in his home.
Investigators also say 19-year-old Jason Bourque left graffiti in the bathroom stall of a ranch store. The Dallas Morning News reports today that court documents say Bourque carved an upside-down cross topped by flames into the bathroom wall, along with the words “Little Hope was Arson.”
Little Hope Baptist Church was the first of 11 churches that were torched in what authorities believe was an arson spree.
Bourque and 21-year-old Daniel George McAllister were arrested and charged Sunday with a single felony arson charge.
Attorneys are not commenting publicly because of a gag order.
I guess that's all for now until someone casually asks me if I've recently had a sex change operation or if I'm a burn victim survivor sometime soon...
"A sense of humor is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life"~Hugh Sidey
☮ Ash
Four Fun Things
7 hours ago
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